Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 10/ #'s 19 & 20

Here is a problem I'm having with the Vermont's 23 Things site. When I click on the highlighted (clickable) site links Mara has given I get an error message: "Easy tiger. This is a 404 page. You are totally in the wrong place." This has happened numerous times. My solution is to get out and go to Google, where I type in something pertinent to the exercise, then find links to sites.

Moving right along - for #19, I went to's spreadsheet page. There I browsed through the Excel 2007 guide, which I found somewhat less than wonderful. It seems to consist of illustrations with no explanatory text. I spent about fifteen minutes clicking through the steps, but the Beginner's book on Excel we have in our collection is much better. I trust that the course offered in WebJunction - if I can register for it - will be superior. I also looked at Yahoo's calendar site, which seems much like Google's.

For #20, I found the Web 2.0 Awards site by googling. I chose the Guides and Reviews category and went to Yelp, the winner in that category. I selected Burlington from the list of cities, and scrolled around in Restaurants, Shopping, and finally Arts & Entertainment, my true area of interest. Results for Burlington were dispiriting: Sunset Drive in - 3 reviews; Echo Center -4 reviews; Made boutique - 1 review; Firehouse Gallery - 1 review; Flynn Theater - 1 review; Ethan allen Homestead - 1 review; Flynn Center for Performing arts - 1 review; Flynn space - 1 review; and Discover Jazz - 2 reviews. I didn't go on to page 2 - too depressing. This is the best we can do in Burlington?!! Perhaps there just aren't enough people in the Burlington area who want to write reviews for this site?

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