Thursday, November 27, 2008

Week 6/ No lesson!

The video was interesting, mainly because of the ice cream subject. I am not terribly wowed by ice cream, but my husband is a huge fan. He eats a bowl every night, without fail. How does he keep his figure? He weighs only five pounds more than he did when we were married, lo, these many decades ago. I think he has an imbalance - an ice cream imbalance. I don't think he'd eat the pickle ice cream, however. He has his standards... the Common Craft idea is an intriguing marketing/research idea. One of my offspring has started an importing business, a product from Japan customized for an American market. I'll ask him what tools he used to figure out marketing and potential customers. He doesn't like it when I ask him anything about the business, though. I'm his mother.

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